Over 22 years, we had developed direct and close business and professional relationships with top vendors (IBM, Check Point, Microsoft, Amazon AWS, Polo Alto, Cisco, HP, QualysGuard, Nessus, Symantec, McAfee, RSA, and dozen of other top graded vendors) and we only deploy a required solution. We do not use or deploy Open Source products and neither we do recommend coupling solutions to sell our client’s unnecessary products. We are very transparent, and our relationship with these vendors is financially an interest-free or Banner compliance concept. Keywords and pictograms any commission (unbiased) when recommending a solution for the best interest of our clients.
We make your enterprise Cyber-Compliant!
SOX 404, PCI DSS, PCI- PA-DSS, PCI- PIN, HIPAA, HITECH, SAS 70, PII, NIST-800, Federal Information Processing Standards Publications (FIPS-190-200 PUBS), National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST-800 Series PUBS), FISMA, DoD Directive 8570 Security Manual, FDA, ISO 27000 Information Security Management Risk and Controls/ Preparation
IBM- App Scan (WatchFire), Accunetix, HP Web Inspect (Spy-Dynamic), Fortify, Rapid 7 Metasploit Pro, and Express
QualysGuard Scanner/ GFI LanGuard Scanner, Super Scanner, Nmap Scanner, Nessus Scanner, Rapid 7, CyberCob Scanner, Internet Security Scanner, Nexpose Scanner, Retina Scanner, Tiger Tool Suite, Encase
Check Point Endpoint Security, Check Point Pointsec Mobile, Symantec Endpoint Protection, Symantec Control Compliance Suite (Policy Enforcement), Symantec Security Information Manager (Log Management), Barracuda Web Application Firewall, Check Point Web Intelligence (Web Application Firewall), Imperva SecureSphere Web Application Firewall, Imperva SecureSphere Database Firewall (Database Firewall), Imperva Database Activity Monitoring, Imperva File Activity Monitoring, VMware ESX Server Virtualization, Websense Web security, and DB Protect, Protegrity Database Protection, and Security, TriGeo SIEM Log Management Appliance. Cisco IDS/IPS, Palo Alto Firewalls, Ironkey USB Flash Drive Enterprise Solution, Damballa- Fail-Safe Malware Detection, IBM QRadar SIEM Threats Monitoring, FoundStond Vulnerabilities Scanner, Nessus Vulnerabilities Scanners, HP Project Portfolio Management, HP IT Service Manager, ForeScoute- CounterACT 7.0 Network Access Control (NAC).