At eSecurityAuditors.Com, we are committed to abiding by our stringent professional code of ethics and good business practices to ensure that our clients do experience our superior service excellence, regardless of the length of our professional consulting engagement with them. We treat all clients with the same professionalism, respect, care, and special focus. We ensure that our clients receive a high level of respect and an honest, unbiased consultation and audit risk assessment report, for their best interest. We believe that a good professional company always has the best business practices based on a code of professional ethics, to protect their business image and integrity to sustain their name in a highly competitive market. Our mission is “Make Enterprise Cyber-Secure and Regulatory Compliant”
Before we consider a candidate to join our company, we carefully evaluate and validate a candidate’s technical background and mindset. We have in place, an assessment for pre-employment where we evaluate their training, knowledge, experience, and expertise. After hiring, we work closely with the technical specialist, so that all can be assured that they continue to exhibit the level of expertise and how it measures up to our commitment of service excellence to our customers. We monitor performance and operations to be sure that they are in alignment with our company mission: Your Rock-Solid Security is Our # 1 Priority. As part of the pre-employment process, we also complete a detailed background screening on the candidate, including a criminal background check (across all states and Nationwide), before placing and deploying our professional to a client site.
This ensures our company and our client’s safety. We have and enforce an absolute zero-tolerance policy for team members who are engaged in anything unethical – personally or in the business sector, or that violate our company mission statement, professional integrity, accountability, and our reputation for providing service excellence with absolute confidence and trust for our valued clients.
1. Protect society, the commonwealth, and the client’s infrastructure
2. Protect the client’s crucial audit data
3. Act honorably, honestly, justly, responsibly, and legally
4. Provide diligent and competent service to principals
5. Identify, advance, and protect the client’s resources
6. Preserve the value of the client’s systems, applications, and information
7. Respect client trust and the privileges they grant us in working with their data
8. Avoid conflicts of interest and the appearance thereof
9. Render only those services which we are fully competent and qualified to perform
ISACA sets forth this Code of Professional Ethics to guide the professional and personal conduct of members of the association and/or its certification holders.
1. Support the implementation of, and encourage compliance with, appropriate standards and procedures for the effective governance and management of enterprise information systems and technology, including audit, control, security, and risk management.
2. Perform their duties with objectivity, due diligence, and professional care, in accordance with professional standards.
3. Serve in the interest of stakeholders in a lawful manner, while maintaining high standards of conduct and character, and not discrediting their profession or the Association.
4. Maintain the privacy and confidentiality of information obtained in the course of their activities unless disclosure is required by legal authority. Such information shall not be used for personal benefit or released to inappropriate parties.
5. Maintain competency in their respective fields and agree to undertake only those activities they can reasonably expect to complete with the necessary skills, knowledge, and competence.
6. Inform appropriate parties of the results of work performed including the disclosure of all significant facts known to them that, if not disclosed, may distort the reporting of the results.
7. Support the professional education of stakeholders in enhancing their understanding of the governance and management of enterprise information systems and technology, including audit, control, security, and risk management.